Thursday, January 10, 2013

Great food for people that are looking to start selling hair!

A good breakfast ingredients like eggs, honey or yogurt are not only good for you to eat but they also can treat your hair. If you looking to save money somewhere or wanting to go natural with your hair cleaning procedure try these methods:

For all Hair Types:

Raw eggs are the best. The yolk is rich in proteins and good for building muscles but its also naturally moisturizing. The white “stuff’ rich in bacteria eating enzymes can remove the unwanted oils in your hair.

Dull Hair:

Sour cream and plain yogurt can help bring back that shine back to your hair.

 Itchy Scalp:

Try a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil. The way it works is that the acidity of lemon juice cleans your scalps and oil moisturizes it after…simple.

Fine Hair:

My personal favorite the beer: yep beer can help add body to your hair.

Greasy Hair:

Use cornmeal or cornstarch.

For more information on how to prepare each mixture visit the link provided below.

1 comment:

  1. This ensures that your hair remains well lubricated and prevents damage ensuring that your hair does not dry out.

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